Happy I’m feeling better today.
Happy my kids aren’t sick with what I have.

Here’s my weekly thankful 5!

  1. I’m thankful my husband was able to get me an appointment at his work to apply for my Real ID so I didn’t have to wait at the DMV for several hours.
  2. I’m thankful my family is currently healthy.
  3. I’m thankful for the fun time we had at the park with friends today.
  4. I’m grateful for a fun night out with Ben and friends supporting the boys’ wonderful school and teachers.
  5. I’m thankful we are able to send our children to such an amazing school with even more amazing teachers!
Happy I was able to get my Real ID through UVA rather than spending hours at the DMV!
Happy that I ran 10 miles with one of my best friends today.
Happy to be watching a movie with my boys.
Happy to get dressed up and go on a date with my husband!

Happy because I got to see my boys perform in a drum recital today.
Happy to be at work where it’s nice and quiet.

Hi friends! Boy do I have a lot to be thankful for!

  1. I am so grateful we were all able to stay healthy so we could travel to Texas and spend time with my family this weekend.
  2. I’m thankful I got to meet my niece and celebrate my sister and her husband’s gender reveal!
  3. I’m thankful my sister and her husband provided us with a nice and comfortable place to stay.
  4. I’m grateful for an amazing family who all make the effort to come together when we are in town, especially my mom who drove 5 hours to see us.
  5. I’m grateful for my dad for buying our tickets with his miles so we could afford the trip.
  6. I’m thankful for the most amazing weekend and that my boys could spend time and bond with my family.

Have a happy day!

About Texas Lou