Good morning! Today I’m thankful for the following:

  1. I’m thankful for a good friend who inspired and supported me through 30 days of no alcohol together. I was relying on alcohol way too much to numb uncomfortable and negative feelings and cope with things brought about by the pandemic so my body and mind really needed a break. I feel healthier and happier.
  2. I’m grateful for the sunny and warm weather we’ve had. I love summer!
  3. I’m grateful for the health of my friends and family.
  4. I’m thankful that we got to visit with some family last weekend. It was nice to be together and catch up.
  5. I’m grateful for a good life. I feel like my life is definitely full of amazing things and people.

Have a happy day!

Good morning! My gratitude posts have been few and far between as we’ve all adjusted to living in a pandemic but once again, I was recently reminded how important practicing gratitude is to keeping a positive frame of mind.

So today I am thankful for the following:

  1. I’m so thankful for an amazing place to work with wonderful coworkers and an awesome boss. Everyone is very understanding and patient when it comes to family coming first and work-life balance. They have made working from home a little less stressful.
  2. I’m grateful for running. It is free, brings me closer to others, and can be done social distanced style. I have really been using running as a tool to stay healthy both physically and mentally during the pandemic.
  3. I’m thankful for some good friends and their support while I’ve given up drinking for a month. I’m lucky to be surrounded by good and supportive friends.
  4. I’m grateful for 14 years together and 8 years married with Ben. We celebrated our anniversary yesterday and it was a good reminder of all that we’ve been through together and how much I love him.
  5. I’m grateful for summer and the ability to spend time outdoors. It is so good for me and my kids.

Have a happy day friends!

Things have been crazy (pandemic, staying at home, school canceled for the rest of the year) so now, more than ever, is a time to practice gratitude. Here are just a few of the things I’m thankful for lately:

  1. I’m grateful for technology! In the last 5 weeks it has allowed us
    • Online school and educational meetings
    • Virtual happy hours and game nights
    • Online therapy sessions
    • Working from home and online staff meetings
    • Keeping in touch with friends and family
    • Getting important news and update
    • Endless entertainment
  2. I’m grateful that we are all going through this together and have one another to lean on. I’m also thankful for all of the helpers throughout this. I like to focus on them rather than the bad things happening.
  3. I’m grateful to still have a job and that my company is doing well in these hard times.
  4. I’m grateful for my in-laws’ help. They have enjoyed spending time with our kiddos so we can get some work done from home.
  5. I’m thankful for spring and warmer weather that allows us to get some outdoor time instead of spending all of out time indoors these days.

I hope everyone is hanging in there and reaching out when you need to. Sending virtual hugs to you all!

Happy it’s my Friday!
Happy to be making improvements.
Happy to be working.
Happy my husband is playing with the boys in the other room and they are all having fun together.
Happy that my kitchen is clean.
Forgot to take a selfie but happy to enjoy one of my wedding beers.
Happy the kids are playing nicely so I can relax.
About Texas Lou