Good morning! Here are just a few things I’m thankful for today:

  1. I’m thankful we didn’t lose power during the the winter storm.
  2. I’m thankful we got enough snow for my kids to enjoy and play in but not too much to be overwhelming.
  3. I’m grateful that we have a nice house to stay warm in during winter weather and plenty of backup heating options just in case.
  4. I’m thankful for the happiness of a couple of good friends who have recently had some really good things happen in their lives.
  5. I’m thankful for my health.

Have a wonderful week!

Good morning and happy Friday! Today I am thankful for the following:

  1. I am so very thankful for the agile training we have been going through at work and for my job for investing in us to learn something new. We are going to do amazing things with this new way of working and I’m so excited to be a part of it!
  2. I am so thankful for new traditions with my family. For a few months now, we have been having movie night at home with our boys. It involves the whole family eating popcorn and a special treat while watching a new movie together on Friday evenings. We’ve all grown to love and look forward to it!
  3. I am so grateful for *hopefully* finding a great babysitter who lives nearby and can help us out this summer!
  4. I am thankful for sunshine on cold days.
  5. I’m thankful for my family who were sick with Covid feeling better and my uncle getting good news about his health recently.

Have a wonderful weekend!

  1. Today I am thankful that Ben has off work so he can help with the kids while they are off of school and I have to work.
  2. I am thankful that some friends and family who had Covid have recovered and are feeling better.
  3. I am thankful for a clean bill have of health from my Endocrinologist.
  4. I’m grateful for the training my work provides me.
  5. I am grateful that people are beginning to get vaccinated and hopefully there is a return to normal in our foreseeable future.

Have a wonderful day!

Hi friends! Today, I’m thankful for the following:

  1. I’m thankful that my husband works so hard to fix things around the house. He saves us so much money and it helps not having to wait for repairs. He’s fixed our disintegrated kitchen sink pipes, kitchen sink drain, car battery, surge protector, dishwasher, and various other things over the past few months and I’m so grateful!
  2. I’m thankful that vaccines are starting to become available so we can get to the end of this pandemic!
  3. I’m grateful for a loyal and loving family!
  4. I’m thankful for my boys’ school and amazing teachers and that they’ve been able to remain open during the pandemic.
  5. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to help friends and family suffering from Covid since my family and I already had it and recovered.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Happy New Year Friends! I really have so much to be thankful for lately!

  1. I am sooooo very thankful that we got to spend a long 2 weeks with my mom and extended family for Christmas! We had the most wonderful time and I’ll always remember this trip!
  2. I’m grateful that some of my family members who were very sick in the hospital with Covid are all home now and seem to be doing better.
  3. I’m grateful for a safe trip to and from Texas. We drove for the first time and I’m glad we made it safely without any incidents. I’m also thankful for my husband who quickly and gracefully handled the minor car trouble we had on the way home as well as for the Honda service center, especially their employee, Carlos, who were able to quickly get our car checked out and ensure it was safe to continue driving (all with a fun kids waiting area too)!
  4. I’m thankful for my boys’ school and that they are able to continue to attend in person and learn with their friends and teachers.
  5. I’m thankful for the vaccines for Covid that are now becoming available and for all the people who have put their hard work, time, and expertise into developing and testing them.
  6. I’m grateful that Ben, the boys, and I already had Covid and recovered without any issues. It is because of that, that we have been able to have some sense of normal back in our lives including getting to visit my family and meet my new nephew, traveling for Christmas and getting to see family we have missed so much, and having less interruptions or worry when it comes to school and protentional exposures.
  7. I am thankful for hope for the future. I am very hopeful that this spring and summer, most of us can hopefully try to get back to somewhat of a normal life.
  8. I’m grateful for my husband for agreeing to drive to Texas with 3 young children with me. He surely knows the way to my heart.
  9. I’m thankful for my best friend Lindsey who checked on our house and kitties while we were gone and has never judged me or been scared to be around me throughout the Covid crisis. I may not have made it through the past few months as gracefully without her!
  10. Lastly, I am grateful for life and love. I love life and I love all the people in my life whether I see them every day or once a year. I’m so blessed to know so many wonderful and kind people.

Sending wishes of love, happiness, and health to you all!

Although I haven’t been keeping up with these posts regularly, I do practice gratitude and gratitude journaling daily and have even incorporated it into my parenting so I can teach my boys the value of it. I am extra thankful that I started writing these posts several years ago because it was one of the first things that introduced me to how being grateful can help me live a happier life.

Here’s what I’m thankful for today:

  1. I’m thankful for having tomorrow and Friday off of work to spend with my family for Thanksgiving.
  2. I’m thankful for fun plans over the long holiday weekend with family and friends.
  3. I’m thankful that our internet seems to be back up and running smoothly.
  4. I’m grateful for my husband who does so much to help our family and save us money. He seems to have become a very talented Mr. Fix-it over the past few years.
  5. I’m thankful for my family’s health.

Happy Thanksgiving friends! Remember what it truly is all about!

Hi friends! I have a lot to be thankful for lately!

  1. I am so grateful my kids are back in in-person school. They all seem so much happier now that they can interact with their teachers and friends in-person and have a more predictable routine. I’m so grateful that we had the option to send the boys back to school and that we can afford it.
  2. I’m thankful that I get to video chat with my family often and see my sweet niece and nephew since we can’t be together in person.
  3. I’m thankful for an amazing friend who has really helped me stay positive throughout the past 6 months.
  4. I’m grateful that our friends who moved to Florida a few years ago have moved back to Charlottesville! I’m looking forward to spending more time with them when the pandemic is over.
  5. I’m grateful for my husband for all that he does for our family.

Have a wonderful day friends!

Hi friends! Here’s some gratitude for you:

  1. I’m thankful for this pandemic. I know, sounds crazy but hear me out. The pandemic and being stuck at home and forced out of all of our routines and habits has inspired, if not forced, me to take a look at my life and make a lot of good changes:
    • I quit drinking so much (I’ve had alcohol on 3 occasions in the past 60 days).
    • I’ve become a better parent. Ben and I spend more time with the kids, take them on bike rides and walks, have movie nights, eat dinner together almost every night, read a lot more, yell a lot less, and are learning to live with each other in our shared space a little better each day.
    • I exercise almost every day and have made it more of a priority.
    • Ben and I are spending more time together and have taken up some shared interests again. We are watching movies and shows together again because I’m not working nights any more.
    • I’m a better cook and have learned how to be more creative and varietal in my meal prep.
    • I’ve worked really hard on having a positive outlook on life and focusing on the positive things and what I can control.
    • Life is a tiny bit slower and a tiny bit less chaotic.
  2. I’m thankful for my body and my health. I was having so many health issues in the past year and I’ve finally sorted them all out and am enjoying running and walking and building muscle. I’m so grateful I can still feel young even when I’m pushing 40!
  3. I’m thankful for the new members in my family. We’ve gained 2 new babies in the past 6 months and they are just precious and remind me of everything innocent and wonderful in life. They also remind me to cherish the time I have with my babies while they are still young.
  4. I’m thankful to my in-laws. They have helped us so much with our boys during the pandemic and have worked with them on learning to read as well.
  5. I’m grateful for life! It is sweet and a gift!

Good morning! Here’s a dose of gratitude for you.

  1. I’m thankful for getting to see a good friend (social distanced style) that I haven’t seen in a year this morning.
  2. I’m thankful for Ben doing bed time with the boys last night so I could attempt to give blood.
  3. I’m thankful for sleep and how I always feel better when I get up in the morning even if it wasn’t the best night of sleep.
  4. I’m thankful for a fun, close-knit, loving family who makes the effort to stay in touch and support each other.
  5. I’m grateful for summer. I love warm weather and sunshine and am really savoring it this year.

I’ve been very good about my thoughts and practices of gratitude lately so I’ll continue it here. I’m thankful for the following:

  1. I’m thankful for summer time and warm and dry weather that has allowed us to get out of the house safely and spend time outdoors during a pandemic.
  2. I’m grateful for all of the help my in-laws have given us with the kids, especially within the last 4 months, that has allowed us to work from home while schools and camps have been canceled.
  3. I’m grateful for video chats and phone calls that help me stay close to friends and family during this time.
  4. I’m thankful for our bubble family who helps us feel less isolated.
  5. I’m thankful for an amazing, down-to-earth doctor who has been a big help in guiding us toward mental and physical health always, but especially during the pandemic.

Have a happy day!

About Texas Lou