Archive for the ‘Happiness’ Category

Here’s a great video entitled “Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work” that talks about rewiring your brain to be a happier person:

I thought this slide from his presentation was great at describing the things a person can do each day to rewire their brain so that they become a more positive thinker ultimately allowing them to be happier, more successful, and more efficient at learning:


The video is only about 12 minutes long and the speaker is engaging and funny (plus he’s from Texas).  Give it a watch!

A friend posted this article entitled “37 Life Lessons in 37 Years” that I really think has some great guidelines on how to be happy.

A couple of my favorites:

1. Happiness comes from within. We spend way too much of our lives looking for outside validation and approval that eludes us. Turns out, it’s been an inside job all along. Go inward.

8. Never take things personally. What others do is a reflection of what’s going on in their own life and probably has little or nothing to do with you.

12. Perfectionism is an illusion. A painful one at that. Ease up. Strive for excellence, sure, but allow yourself room to make mistakes and permission to be happy regardless of outcome.

27. Fear is often a very good indicator of what we really want and need in our life. Let it be your compass and enjoy the exciting adventure it leads you on.

30. Let those that you love know it often and enthusiastically. You can never say it or show it too much. Your time, total presence, love, and genuine concern for their wellness is the greatest gift of all.


But they are all work reading!

It’s been a little over a year now since I wrote my first Thankful Monday post.  This originally started out as an experiment so I could see if practicing gratefulness would help make me a happier person.  I think I can say that after a year, practicing gratefulness at least once a week has without a doubt helped me to be a happier and more positive person.  As a result of this conclusion, I think I will continue to write my Thankful Monday blog posts indefinitely.  So without further delay, here is the first Thankful Monday post of 2014:

  1. I’m thankful for a fun craft night on Friday evening with Amy and Sarah.  It was Sarah’s birthday, so we celebrated her day and I made her this flourless nutella cake.  I had so much fun just chatting with the girls, watching them make scarves, learning about different sewing techniques, and creating an ornament from the trunk of our first Christmas tree.
    I always cherish these fun and creative times with friends.
  2. I’m thankful for a nice long phone date with my cousin and best friend Megan!  Whenever we have phone dates, we end up chatting for hours.  It’s always so much fun to catch-up and talk to the people I love!
  3. I’m thankful for a very generous gift from my boss.  She was about to donate some belongings to Goodwill when she found out that I would be needing them soon so she gave them to me!  I’m so grateful to be surrounded by generous and helpful people!
  4. I always say it, but I don’t think it is ever enough – I am so thankful for my husband Ben!  He is always helping me and taking care of me!  This weekend, he stacked wood and continuously made sure the fire in our wood stove was burning to keep us warm (he even taught me how to operate it).  He also did several things on my honey-do list including but not limited to changing all of the burnt out light bulbs in the house and helping me fold a tablecloth.  I love him so much and still can’t believe how lucky I am to have found him.
  5. I’m thankful for my days off.  Though I work in retail and don’t get as many days off during the holidays as I’d like, I am very thankful for the ones I do get.  Last Wednesday was a nice day off spent celebrating the New Year.

Have a great week and happy New Year!

I fount this great infographic on the Science of Happiness on this website.  Check it out!

I found another great article “10 Simple Habits to Help You Become Happier” on  Some of these are the same ones found on other lists (exercise, enjoy friendship, etc.) but it also has some new ones like eating bananas.  I’m saving this here so I can refer back to it in the future and also so others can check it out.

Good morning and happy Thankful Monday!

Since tomorrow marks the end of the 2013 and Wednesday marks the beginning of 2014, I thought I do a special 2o13 Recap of the things I am thankful for this year!

I’m thankful for a very productive year.  At the end of 2012 and when I turned 30 a week before 2013, I made myself a promise that I’d make 2013 a very productive and memorable year.  Though it wasn’t productive in the ways that I thought it would be, I think the improvements I made were even better than the ones I imagined.  They include the following:

    1. Bought my dream house with my husband!
    2. Traveled alot (10 out of the 12 months):
      • DC in February with good friends
      • New Orleans for my cousin Jennifer’s bachelorette party in March
      • Padre Island in April to visit my mom and spend time with family
      • Houston and Galveston in June for my cousin Jennifer’s wedding and to spend time with family
      • Nashville in June to visit good friends
      • Baltimore for a fun girl’s weekend to celebrate Independence Day
      • Seattle and Victoria, Canada in July for my cousin Catie’s wedding and to visit family
      • Nag’s Head in August to have a girl’s weekend at the beach
      • DC in September to see the Book of Mormon with friends
      • DC in October for a great training course for work
      • Massanutten with good friends in November
      • Cape Cod in December for my husband’s cousin’s wedding and to spend time with his family
    3. Did alot of work to improve my happiness and mental health (reading, learning to meditate, cognitive behavioral therapy, online learning, exercise).
    4. Trained for and ran the Charlottesville 10 Miler in March with my husband!
    5. Got a great review and a raise at work and also learned to be more experienced and confident in my job.
    6. Spent alot of very important time with family and friends.
    7. Ran 1 race in June (4 the Wounded 5K), 4 races in the month of September (Charlottesville Women’s 4 Miler, 9/11 Heroes Run, Special Olympics Pepsi 10K, and Benefit 5K for Shiloh Thompson) and 1 race in November (Shelter For Help in Emergency 5K) and greatly improved my running, pace, and personal records.
    8. Lost 25 pounds (FINALLY – this had been a goal for a long time)!
    9. Won tickets to the King Family Vineyards Pink Ribbon Polo Classic, Top of the Hops Beer Festival,  Virginia Chili Blues & Brews Festival, and an entry to the 4 the Wounded 5K – it was a lucky year (maybe it was that red egg we found)!
    10. Helped several friends welcome sweet babies into this world!
    11. Bought several pieces of furniture and large appliances for our first house (couch, book shelves, washer and dryer).
    12. Bought and decorated our first Christmas tree together and celebrated our first Christmas in our new house with our families!
    13. Created 2 amazing gifts that are still in the works (more on those later)!
    14. Many more!

It was an amazing year and although there were ups and downs as there always will be, the wonderful things listed above will be the things I remember about 2013 and am grateful for when I look back on this year in the future!  I know 2014 is going to be one of the hardest but most rewarding and amazing years of my life thus far and I am truly looking forward to the challenge.

Happy New Year!  I’m wishing everyone a happy and amazing 2014 and please remember to try and be thankful.  I will continue to be!

This is something my mom has been telling me for years and I have been trying hard to always remember to CHOOSE to be happy.  Unfortunately my emotions have much more control over me than I’d like so I continue to learn and to work on allowing myself to choose to be happy.

This is a great article I ran across “This Is Scientific Proof That Happiness Is A Choice” that is worth a read and that I’d like to refer back to when I’m having a hard time remembering that my happiness is my own choice.

Good morning and welcome to my Monday morning Thankful Monday post!

I feel like everyone is especially thankful this week because Thanksgiving is on Thursday.  Here’s my thankful list for today:’

  1. I am thankful for my husband Ben.  He made me french toast for breakfast yesterday, and even though he has this week off of work and didn’t have to get up early, he got up at 6:30 AM and offered to make me breakfast before work.  He made me french toast again (DELICIOUS) and it’s the first time in a long time I can remember eating my breakfast at home and not taking it with me to work!  He is also coming to meet me for lunch today since he has the day off!  I love him and I’m so lucky to have him!
  2. I’m thankful for having a working heater and for modern heating systems.  It was 17 degree this morning when I left the house and yesterday the high was only 35 degrees.  I am definitely not a fan of winter and cold weather so to be able to stay nice and warm inside is something I appreciate greatly!
  3. I’m thankful for a healthier mind, body, and outlook on life this year.  This time last year, I was very depressed and anxious.  I knew I was going to have to spend the holidays (both Thanksgiving, my birthday, AND Christmas) without my family for the first time ever and I wasn’t adjusting well to having to leave my old job and everyone that I loved working with as well as my wedding being over.  Thanks to a great deal of hard work, research, soul searching, and mindfulness techniques that I learned (including these Thankful Monday blog posts), I am learning how to be happy and find happiness from within.  I still have a long way to go and recognize that this is a lifetime process that I can’t just stop once I think I’ve mastered it.  I’m just so happy to be in a much better place than I was a year ago.
  4. I’m thankful for wonderful friends who brighten up my life.  Tuesday, I enjoyed girls night with two good friends and their lovely daughters.  It’s always fun to see their babies growing up and to catch up with them.  Then Friday, I had frozen yogurt (YUM) with Sarah, Meghan, and Meghan’s cut little baby at Bloop, followed by dinner with lots of friends at Miller’s to bid farewell to my awesome friend Wilson before she moves to the west coast.  Then I got my Bodo’s fix (I hadn’t had Bodo’s in way tooo long) while visiting with Ian, Sarah, and Cris.  My life is full of wonderful friends!
  5. Lastly, I’m thankful for a family to spend the holidays with.  I know that alot of people don’t have anyone close to them to spend Thanksgiving with or can’t afford to travel home to be with the ones they love, so I am thankful that I married a man whose family loves me and lives nearby.  I always remember a man that I worked with at VGT named Charles.  Every year, he and his wife would invite everyone in the company (there were at least 250 of us) to his home for Thanksgiving dinner.  Alot of people at VGT relocated for the job so I think this gesture was especially generous because so many people were living far from their families.  Sadly, Charles died not too long ago, but I will always remember his generosity, especially around Thanksgiving time.

Happy Thanksgiving and have a wonderful week!

Good morning and happy Thankful Monday!

I’ve noticed that now that it’s November, the month of Thanksgiving, a bunch of my friends are posting what they are thankful for each day on Facebook as they’ve done in past years.  I think this is a great idea and I wonder if any of them will take a look at their happiness and gratitude levels now and then again at the end of the month to see if there has been any improvement.  I definitely feel like I’ve seen a difference in the few months that I’ve been writing these thankful posts.

So without further delay, here’s what I’m thankful for today:

  1.  I’m thankful for a week of getting to catch up with good friends.  Last week, I joined Kristen for dinner and got to see Meredith who I haven’t run into in months!  I also finally got to meet Kristen’s boyfriend and we all had a great night enjoying homemade carnitas and pumpkin creme brulee which I got to torch myself!  Kristen is quite the chef and she even sent me home with fresh baked banana bread and a spaghetti squash!  Friday, I was lucky enough to meet Cara and baby Zachary for lunch.  I hadn’t seen either of them since Zachary was born over 4 months ago so it was so nice to catch up and get to hold that sweet baby!  Then Saturday morning, we joined Robert and Crystal for breakfast at The Nook where lots of laughs were had!  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I have amazing people in my life.
  2. I’m thankful for a strong body and mind that allowed me to run the Shelter For Help in Emergency 5K for the third time Saturday morning.  This race supports a great cause and Ben and I ran it together.  It wasn’t my best time but I felt like it was a good race and I didn’t feel the desire to walk once despite the steep hills on the course.  Check out our results here!  My awesome husband got 26th place out of 271 people!
  3. I’m thankful that my good friend Lauren had her baby girl Annabelle on Halloween night and very happy to hear that both Lauren and Annabelle are doing well!  Lauren told me she was expecting her first baby on April Fool’s Day so of course I thought she was playing a joke on me!  I’m so excited for Lauren and JR to welcome their baby girl…they are going to be amazing parents!
  4. I’m thankful for a wonderfully close family.  Even though I didn’t get to join them, this past weekend, my mom’s side of the family had a mini-reunion since my Great Aunt Pat (AKA Mary F***ing Poppins) was in town.  My mom was able to drive up for the weekend and visit with everyone and it makes me so happy that she has family around.
  5. I’m thankful for having a fixed heater now that its getting colder.  Out heater was broken last week, and even though it cost a pretty penny to fix, it was still cheaper than fixing our air conditioning units that are still in need of repair.  I have always said I’d rather be hot than cold!  I guess that’s the Texan in me!  I’m really grateful for my husband for getting the heater fixed so fast!
  6. BONUS:  Lastly, I still can’t mention details, but as I said last week, I’m very thankful for something that isn’t quite official yet.  It has to do with our condo and if it goes through, it could save us alot of money.  But of course I don’t want to jinx it so I’ll keep my mouth shut for now.  🙂

Happy Monday and happy November!  Stay warm and remember to give thanks!

Good morning and happy Thankful Monday!

Today, I am thankful for the following:

  1. I am thankful for a wonderful week with friends!  Tuesday, I met some of the VGT girls at Brixx for dinner and catching up.  Thursday, I made this crock-pot chicken taco soup recipe and we had all of Ben’s family over for a fun family dinner.  Friday night, Sarah, Amy, and I had a lovely girls night just chatting and relaxing.  Then, Saturday night, I went to Carolyn’s Halloween party where I laughed all night long at the outrageous costumes everyone had!  It was a week filled with lots of the people I love.
  2. I am thankful for my cats.  They have been catching mice left and right.  I’m guessing we’ve been seeing more mice because it’s been getting colder and they are looking for a warm place to spend the winter.  I’m thankful my cats are taking care of them before I have to deal with them.  And I’m also very thankful for Ben since he is the one who takes care of disposing of the dead mice the cats have caught.
  3. I am thankful for free movies and date nights.  Wednesday, Ben and I got tickets to a free advanced screening of the move About Time which was really good and we prefaced the movie with dinner at a new Thai restaurant, Bangkok ’99 that had really great food and wonderful service.  I love date nights with my husband, especially when they involve free movies!
  4. I’m grateful for a restful weekend.  I took two naps and spent a ton of time bundled up on the couch watching American Horror Story, my current Netflix obsession.  It was the perfect activity for a cold fall weekend.
  5. Lastly, I’m excited for something very special that I can’t reveal on the blog yet as its a surprise.  But I can say that it makes me very happy and I count my blessings for it every day!

Have a great week!

About Texas Lou