Archive for the ‘Happiness’ Category

Time for a little gratitude!

  1. I’m thankful for a wonderful place to work that provides me with flexibility, a part time schedule, and working from home capabilities that all allow me to spend more time with my children.  They also have a wonderful wellness program that has helped me beyond any drug out there and has introduced me to the wonderful world of mindfulness and meditation.  And to top it all off, they have a bi-annual employee appreciation day!  I’m very grateful to work here!
  2. I’m grateful for access to therapies for my boys.  Because they were born premature, they’ve been late to walk and talk and we are lucky to have a physical therapist and speech therapist who come to our house to work with us in addition to insurance that pays for it.  Both the boys are walking now and are starting to mimic our words so I’m very grateful for their continued improvements and development!
  3. I’m thankful for the good things in life that have been happening for my sister and brother.  Within the past year and a half they have both started new jobs in their preferred career path, begun relationships with very nice significant others, and have found their first real adult homes.  I’m happy to see them happy!
  4. I’m grateful for the internet and social media.  It has allowed my extended family to stay connected and plan a future family reunion that has been long overdue!
  5. I’m grateful for long walks on autumn days.  My boys and I have been spending lots of time outdoors soaking up the last of the warmth and sunshine before winter comes and it makes me so happy to spend time with them outside.

Happy day friends!

I liked this infographic from so I wanted to save it here.


Great article from happify.com8 Ways to Prevent Negative Experiences from Getting You Down

Another great article from, 5 Ways to Cultivate Empathy for Others:

  1. Indulge in Fiction
  2. Spend Time Helping Others
  3. Become an Active Listener
  4. Practice Compassion Meditation
  5. Cultivate Your Curiosity

10 Things You Should Give Up To Boost Happiness is really great advice from  It includes the following gems:

1. Give Up Jealousy

2. Give up the Fear of Change

3. Giving up Control

4. Give up Overwork Time

5. Give up Blaming

6. Give up Complaining

7. Give up the Need to Be Right All the Time

8. Give up Limiting Beliefs

9. Give up Bad Friends

10. Give up the Past

I do alot of these, especially #1, #2, #3, #5, #6, and #10 and this article is a great reminder of the need to be mindful of what is going on in my head and how it can affect my happiness.

Here’s another great infographic from


An interesting infographic on how friendships influence happiness from



Here’s a really helpful infographic I found on that talks about challenging and coping with negative thoughts.  I notice myself running alot of negative thoughts that involve jealousy, resentment, and judgement through my head on occasion so this infographic instantly struck me as a valuable read and something to save for later.


I haven’t written my weekly Thankful Monday post in a while and those of you who know me well know that it’s because I had my twin boys unexpectedly early on Saturday, May 3rd.  We had a month in the NICU and then it’s been almost two months of taking care of newborns around the clock.  I’ve been trying to get the chance to write down what I’m thankful for over the past couple of weeks but this is the first Monday where the boys are both napping at the same time and I have the opportunity.  So here it goes:

This week, I’m thankful for the following:

  1. I’m thankful for two beautiful, healthy, amazing little boys!  Carter Mitchel “Tex” Davidson and Morgan Fox ‘Virg” Davidson were born at 32 weeks and 4 days at 3:50 AM and 3:54 AM on Saturday, May 3, 2o14.  Despite being almost 2 month early, they were both breathing room air on their own and were perfectly healthy.  They only needed to stay in the hospital to learn to regulate their temperatues on their own and learn to eat by mouth.  Especially after meeting so many parents in the NICU who’s babies were sick or came much earlier than ours and were facing a lifetime of health issues and much longer NICU stays, I thank God for our blessings!
    First Picture of my Babies Minutes After Being Born

    First picture of my babies minutes after being born

    Morgan after being inducted into the NICU

    Morgan after being inducted into the NICU

    Carter after being inducted into the NICU

    Carter after being inducted into the NICU

    Our first family photo

    Our first family photo

    My angels yesterday at 12 weeks old

    My angels yesterday at 12 weeks old

  2. I’m thankful for the amazing doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and all staff at both Martha Jefferson Hospital and the University of Virginia Medical Center as well as the great EMTs who transported me from one place to another.  We were all very well taken care of!
  3. I’m grateful for a fairly easy birth experience and recovery.  I was lucky to avoid a C-section despite many people thinking that twins are born that way.  In addition, my active labor and delivery only lasted about 6 hours and I pushed for less than an hour so I’m very thankful for the short period of pain, especially compared to many other first time mothers who they say tend to labor for a longer period of time.
  4. I’m thankful that we have formula available to us and enough money to afford it.  Unfortunately I don’t make enough milk for my babies so I am grateful we can supplement without having to worry about it affecting our finances too much.
  5. I’m thankful for my husband and the father of my babies.  He was amazing throughout my short but extremely uncomfortable pregnancy, the surprise announcement that we were having twins, and the long NICU stay.  He took me to the hospital every morning on his way to work, then brought me lunch and visited the boys every afternoon, and then came back to visit and take me home after work every day.  He is a wonderful husband, father, and friend and I couldn’t have gotten through the past 10 months without him.


Hopefully this post will become weekly again as it is very helpful with my happiness and mental health and I will try my hardest but it will all depend on my sweet baby boys!  Happy Monday and don’t forget to be thankful!

This video says it all.  The 3 habits to everyday happiness are:

  1. Practicing gratitude
  2. Savoring life and all of the moments in it
  3. Finding meaning in your work

About Texas Lou