Archive for the ‘Family’ Category
I know it’s Wednesday and I’m way behind, but I’m totally overwhelmed lately and exhausted. My boys are sick, I’m sick, Christmas decorations are still up, the house is a mess, and I’m behind in everything that it’s possible to be behind in. But I know there are worse problems in this world so I need some gratefulness in my life today to put things in perspective.
Today, I’m grateful for:
- I’m thankful for the opportunity to go on a date with my husband on Friday, an event that rarely happens these days and that we certainly took for granted before our boys were born. We had lunch at Pasture Q and then saw The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1.
- I’m also grateful for a fun girl’s day and family night on Sunday. Sarah and I were supposed to get pedicures but that fell through so we had coffee and talked instead which is something we haven’t had a chance to do in a long time. Then we met Lindsey to see Into the Woods. It was really nice to just get a break from being a mommy. Then we came home to our husbands taking care of our babies and our in-laws making us pizzas for dinner. I loved getting some family time as well as getting dinner made for us!
- I’m grateful that my brother, sister, and mom came to spend Christmas with us this year and that they all got to stay for such a long time and bond with the boys. I’m also thankful for all the help they gave us with the boys allowing me to get a few extra naps and relaxation in. I know how expensive it can be to fly, especially around the holidays, and I know that traveling takes precious vacation time from work so I hope they know how much it meant to me that they came for Christmas.
- I’m thankful for my husband who puts up with my moping and crying every time my family leaves to go home. I’m sure it must seem to him that I’d rather be with them than with him, but as I’ve told him many times, the fact that I am willing to live far from them shows how much I love him and want to be with him.
- Lastly, I’m thankful for sleep. I may not get alot of it, but I probably get a helluva lot more than some twin moms so I’ll just be thankful for the 4 or 5 interrupted hours I average on a nightly basis.
Have a happy and healthy day! One day I’ll be able to post more often!
I’m really having a hard time being grateful right now as I’m exhausted from lack of sleep, overwhelmed with work, household duties, mothering responsibilities, and Christmas shopping, and just unmotivated with everything piling on. But when is the best time to be grateful? When you find it hardest to be grateful! Of course that is supposedly when it should be the most helpful, so here it goes:
- I’m thankful that we got to take our boys to see Santa and get a Christmas tree on Sunday. And we did it all while supporting two great causes. We donated to the East Rivanna Volunteer Fire Company which hosted the Santa Clause pictures and we bought our Christmas tree from the boy scouts.
- I’m thankful for my husband for taking time off of work on Friday and Monday to help me take the boys to doctors appointments. It’s getting more and more difficult for me to take them places on my own and I’m so thankful Ben has a great employer that allows him to be flexible.
- I’m thankful for fun times this past weekend, stir-fry night with the Rejonis’, a baby shower for my friend Jamie, Christmas cookie decorating, Christmas shopping, and spending time with family and friends.
- I’m grateful for the internet that is making Christmas shopping with 2 seven month old babies much less stressful than it has to be!
- I’m thankful for the sweet smiles and laughs of my boys that make me forget all my troubles!
Happy day friends!
I’m thankful for a free moment to write this post! 😉
I’m a busy woman but not too busy for gratitude! Here are some of my thankful things today:
- I’m thankful my boys are 7 months old today! They started out as tiny premature babies, but they are now big and healthy little guys!
- I’m thankful for a fun and relaxing week last week and the opportunity for my boys to enjoy their first Thanksgiving! We spent the day Skyping with my family in Texas, visiting their grandparents, spending time with their aunt, uncle, and cousin, eating a new kind of squash that their grandma grew, and trying their first meat, turkey.
- I’m thankful for technology, Skype in particular, for allowing me to spend time with my family over the holidays even though we live far apart. I’m also thankful my boys are getting to know their Texas family via Skype!
- I’m thankful for good friends and good times! My friend Lindsey came over to bake pies Wednesday night and it was so nice to get to visit with her. Then on Monday, Sarah and I took all the babies on an almost 2 hour long walk and enjoyed the unusually warm weather! I don’t get to spend as much time with friends as I used to so I’m even more thankful for those opportunities now.
- Lastly, I’m thankful for the fun date night Ben and I had Saturday and also thankful to my mother-in-law for watching the boys. Ben and I went to South Street Brewery where we had our first date a few years ago. It was recently bought out by another local brewery so they had a renovated space, new menu, and lots of new beers to try. So of course we went all out by ordering an appetizer with our meals and trying a flight of all the beers. Then we saw Interstellar which was an awesome movie! I miss these date nights but it’s nice that we still get the opportunity to have them occasionally as I know there are many parents out there who do not have that option.
Happy day friends!
Monday was busy but I think I can squeeze in a quick post today.
Today, I’m thankful for the following:
- I’m thankful for my boys’ progress. We have physical therapy sessions every other week for both boys to address delays in their motor skills and preferences for their right sides cause flattening on the right sides of their heads, and yesterday, the Physical Therapist was so impressed with their progress that she thinks they only need a couple more sessions until they no longer need her assistance. My boys are growing fast!
- I’m thankful for my husband who is covering the night shift with the babies this week since he has the whole week off of work and I don’t.
- I’m thankful for family, and Thanksgiving, and days off of work!
- I’m thankful for technology. Since I can’t be with my Texas family for Thanksgiving, we’ll enjoy each others’ company via Skype!
- I’m thankful for my little family. I don’t feel like we are complete yet, but having children during the holidays really reinforces what they are all about and I’m so grateful I have healthy and happy little ones to share the holidays with and start making memories and continuing traditions.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nap time is almost over so here’s what I’m thankful for today:
- I’m thankful for nap time, especially when both babies nap at the same time, because I can actually get things done like laundry, eating lunch, checking email, or writing this post!
- I’m thankful for my new little family. I love being a parent despite the rough times that come with it!
- I’m thankful for our Tula Baby Carriers and grateful to my sister, Sarah, and Aunt Mary for giving them to us. They allowed us to take the babies to the Heritage Harvest Festival at Monticello this past weekend!
- I’m thankful for a great place to work that has allowed me to take such a long maternity leave so that I can be with my babies until they are developmentally 3 months old and not just chronologically 3 months old.
- I’m thankful for baby smiles, coos, and babbles that make all of the hard stuff like crying, fussing, and screaming worthwhile!
Better grab something to eat before my monkeys wake up!
Ok, so I know it’s not Monday, but it feels like a Monday because yesterday was a holiday and both babies are happy and quiet at the moment so here’s a quick list of what I’m currently thankful for:
- I’m thankful for my two little guys who bring me joy every day with their smiles! I always knew I wanted to be a mother and though parenthood is filled with alot of uncomfortable and undesirable things, it is still amazing!
- I’m thankful for an amazing Mother-In-Law who comes over almost every day to help me with my babies. Not only is it helpful for me but it gives my boys more individual attention which I am always worried they are lacking since they are twins and there is only so much of me to go around while Ben is at work.
- I’m thankful for technology. This weekend, the boys got to Skype with Grandma, Uncle Pete, Uncle Mike, Aunt Linda, Aunt Connie, Cousin Marc, Aunt Cat, and Aunt Debbie! I’m so glad they can be close to their family even when we live far away! Oh and I’m also thankful for my awesome new Samsung Galaxy S5 that takes amazing photos! I’m going to run out of space soon with all of the pictures I’ve been taking!
- I’m thankful for my health! After my pregnancy, my thyroid is doing great and I’m down 7.5 pounds (37 pounds since giving birth) and only have 5 pounds to lose until I hit my pre-pregnancy weight.
- I’m thankful for family! Not only did we get to Skype with my family this weekend, we also got to spend plenty of time with my mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law and soon-to-be-born niece, brother-in-law, and 2 nieces. Plus this coming weekend, we get to see even more family who will be in town for Sarah’s baby shower!
Have a great and grateful day!
I haven’t written my weekly Thankful Monday post in a while and those of you who know me well know that it’s because I had my twin boys unexpectedly early on Saturday, May 3rd. We had a month in the NICU and then it’s been almost two months of taking care of newborns around the clock. I’ve been trying to get the chance to write down what I’m thankful for over the past couple of weeks but this is the first Monday where the boys are both napping at the same time and I have the opportunity. So here it goes:
This week, I’m thankful for the following:
- I’m thankful for two beautiful, healthy, amazing little boys! Carter Mitchel “Tex” Davidson and Morgan Fox ‘Virg” Davidson were born at 32 weeks and 4 days at 3:50 AM and 3:54 AM on Saturday, May 3, 2o14. Despite being almost 2 month early, they were both breathing room air on their own and were perfectly healthy. They only needed to stay in the hospital to learn to regulate their temperatues on their own and learn to eat by mouth. Especially after meeting so many parents in the NICU who’s babies were sick or came much earlier than ours and were facing a lifetime of health issues and much longer NICU stays, I thank God for our blessings!
- I’m thankful for the amazing doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and all staff at both Martha Jefferson Hospital and the University of Virginia Medical Center as well as the great EMTs who transported me from one place to another. We were all very well taken care of!
- I’m grateful for a fairly easy birth experience and recovery. I was lucky to avoid a C-section despite many people thinking that twins are born that way. In addition, my active labor and delivery only lasted about 6 hours and I pushed for less than an hour so I’m very thankful for the short period of pain, especially compared to many other first time mothers who they say tend to labor for a longer period of time.
- I’m thankful that we have formula available to us and enough money to afford it. Unfortunately I don’t make enough milk for my babies so I am grateful we can supplement without having to worry about it affecting our finances too much.
- I’m thankful for my husband and the father of my babies. He was amazing throughout my short but extremely uncomfortable pregnancy, the surprise announcement that we were having twins, and the long NICU stay. He took me to the hospital every morning on his way to work, then brought me lunch and visited the boys every afternoon, and then came back to visit and take me home after work every day. He is a wonderful husband, father, and friend and I couldn’t have gotten through the past 10 months without him.
Hopefully this post will become weekly again as it is very helpful with my happiness and mental health and I will try my hardest but it will all depend on my sweet baby boys! Happy Monday and don’t forget to be thankful!
Good morning and happy Thankful Monday.
Today, I am thankful for the following:
- I’m thankful I’ve made it to 32 weeks today and hopeful that I can make it to 36 weeks. I’m also thankful that our babies looked safe and healthy in our ultrasound last week, and I’m hoping for the same diagnosis at our ultrasound today.
- I’m grateful for my in-laws who drove me to the doctor last Monday and are driving me to the doctor again today since it has gotten very difficult for me to drive. I’m also so thankful that they live so close to me in case I need anything or there is an emergency while I am working from home in these last few weeks of pregnancy.
- I’m thankful for my sister-in-law Sarah who came over and helped me get the nursery somewhat organized this weekend and cheer me up since I’ve been a bit house-bound lately.
- I’m thankful for Ben who has put up with my mood swings and been great at supporting me through the rough parts of my pregnancy. I’m also so grateful for his help in fixing all of the furniture for the nursery. He’s working so hard when I know he’d rather be doing other things.
- I’m thankful for all of the support, well wishes, and sympathetic ears from people over the past couple of really difficult weeks, especially my mom.
Hopefully these babies will still be cooking this time next week. Have a great day!
Good morning and happy belated Easter and happy Thankful Monday!
Today I’m thankful for the following:
- Now that it has been officially announced and I can “shout it from the rooftops”, I’m so thankful that my
sister-in-lawsister, Sarah, and brother-in-law, Ian, are expecting a baby! I’m so happy to be an aunt and for my baby boys to have a cousin close to their age! Most of my best friends are my cousins and we had so many amazing times growing up together. I am so happy my babies will have that opportunity as well, especially since I think that family is the most important thing in life! Congrats to Ian and Sarah and baby Davidson! Our family is exploding this year and I am so grateful that so far we are all happy and healthy and bringing new life into this world! - I’m thankful I’m made it to 31 weeks. I’ve been in so much pain and discomfort over the last week and I know it will only get worse before it gets better, but I try to remember that with every day of pain comes one more day that my babies are safe and growing inside of me. I have been trying to focus on the little things that make me happy like a good hour of sleep, a sunny day, a comforting bath, when Ben rubs my belly and talks to our sons, and the fact that I have a supportive boss and the opportunity to work from home some to help me retain some comfort. My goal is to keep these babies in for another 5 weeks at least no matter how much pain it causes me.
- I’m thankful for a wonderful gift from my mom that I can’t wait to be delivered! Because I have trouble sleeping laying down these days, my mom bought me a glider/rocker/recliner to sleep in until the babies come and then to use for rocking, nursing, reading, cuddling, etc. after the babies are born. My mom is the best and I am even more thankful for her as a mother. I’m also grateful for her understanding and support as she understands what I’m going through and has been helpful when I’m having a hard time remembering to be thankful.
- I’m thankful for my in-laws. Yesterday, they gave us as old chest of drawers they were no longer using for the nursery since buying one is a large expense we shouldn’t incur and then my father-in-law helped Ben fix the leak in our bathtub so I can take baths again and experience some form of weightlessness to have a break from carrying around my gigantic belly. I’m also thankful that despite falling down the stairs on Friday, my mother-in-law only broke her toe and was not seriously injured.
- I’m thankful for my third opportunity to mentor for Computers 4 Kids and get to know another young member of my community. Unfortunately I had to finish up our mentoring sessions early on Thursday due to my pregnancy but I’m so glad I got to mentor my third learning partner. I learned alot from her and from our mentoring sessions and I hope she learned just as much from me.
Have a happy day!
Good morning! I’m thankful for another new week and fresh start!
Here’s what I’m thankful for this week:
- I’m thankful for a positive diagnosis from the doctor on Friday. Although my situation hasn’t gotten better in a week, it hasn’t gotten worse either, and for now, the medication I am taking seems to be preventing further causes of preterm labor and my babies and I have made it to 30 weeks as of today. Just 6 more weeks until their lungs are fully developed and hopefully I can make it 8 weeks to an ideal delivery time. I’m thankful for my doctor, Dr. T, and his expertise and the medication they have prescribed me.
- I’m thankful for a wonderful weekend with family and friends. Friday evening, we dined at Beer Run with my mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law for dinner before heading to see my niece in her elementary school’s production of 101 Dalmatians. Afterward, we celebrated my niece’s birthday with chocolate cake and ice cream and my nieces and sister-in-law gave us two beautifully hand-made blankets and a handmade soft block for the babies. Then Saturday morning, I cheered on Ben, Sarah, and lots of friends and fellow runners at the VIA 5K. It was a beautiful day for a race and even though I would have preferred to be running or walking, I was glad to be there to support everyone running and walking for such an amazing cause and organization. Plus I got to run into so many awesome people! Afterward, Ben and I attended my niece’s soccer game and got to spend more amazing time outdoors. Then Sunday, we attended the visitation for one of my best friends, Crystal’s, mother. Although it was due to sad circumstances, it was nice to see our good friends and run into some old familiar faces. I’m so grateful for all of these people that make my life so full!
- I’m thankful that I got to spend so much quality time with my mom last weekend and early last week. She left Tuesday afternoon after we had lunch at Timberwood Grill. I enjoyed her being here so much and she did so much for us as well including cooking us a roast dinner, helping me grocery shop, and cleaning our stove. For anyone who knows my mom well, you’ll know that cleaning the stove is HUGE for her since my mom is not a fan of cleaning anything.
- I’m thankful for Ben. He has been so helpful lately with driving me places and doing things for me that I’m not able to do because of my pregnancy. Most importantly, he has been the most calm, confident, and collective expectant father I’ve ever met which has really helped calm my nerves and anxiety about being a new mom to twins. I love him and am so thankful he’ll be the daddy to my babies.
- Lastly, I’m thankful for simple things that most people take for granted, like going to the bathroom. Pregnancy combined with my medication has done a number on my intestines so I’ll just say without getting too detailed that any day I can feel like a fraction of my old self if a good day.
Have a beautiful spring day!