Archive for the ‘Family’ Category
This is a cool photo of a photo that my sister sent me showing my parents together in the 1970’s. My brother looks just like my dad in this picture.
I’m thinking about submitting it to My Parents Were Awesome.
Yesterday, I watched the documentary, Happy, which explores what makes people happy in all different walks of life. The movie was very enlightening and definitely worth the hour and a half it took to watch.
Lately, I’ve been doing quite a bit of research: reading (books, blogs, and articles), watching (online and TV), and exploring of myself to try to become a happier and healthier (mentally and physically) person. I know that true happiness does not come from a pill, or other people, or money, but from inside myself. So I’ve been trying to figure out how to access this happiness that I know is hidden somewhere inside of me.
One of the methods for finding happiness within that the documentary suggested was listing 5 things you are thankful and grateful for on a regular basis. I’ve heard that this is a great way to bring about feelings of happiness and well-being from many other sources, so I thought that this blog could server as a great medium for listing what I’m thankful for on a regular basis. I’m going to try and remember to post 5 things that I’m thankful for every Monday here on the blog. I like to think of it as a good experiment. If it works and succeeds at making me a happier person, then I’m better off. And even if it doesn’t make me happier, it will serve as a good reminder as to why I should keep my chin-up and count my blessings.
So here it goes, 5 things I am grateful for on this Monday morning:
- I’m thankful for my cat’s health. We found a large lump on Revolver Ocelot’s chest Friday evening and I’m so grateful that not only was the vet able to get us in for an appointment at the last minute on Saturday morning, but also that the vet seems to think that the lump is not a tumor, but only an infection that is being treated with antibiotics.
- I’m thankful for cell phones and wireless networks. It is because of these, that I was able to call my twin brothers, Christian and Bradley, last night and wish them a happy 7th birthday. I would have liked to be there to celebrate with them, but I’m very happy that I could call them and talk to them on their birthday.
- I’m thankful for my husband’s family and that we live close to them. I am often whining and feeling sorry for myself about the fact that I live so far away from my family. However, I realize that many people have no family or friends close to them. When my dad moved to America, his entire family was half way around the world (and a much longer and more expensive plane ride than the one from Virginia to Texas). So I am very thankful to live close to my Virginia family and have lovely traditions to share with them during the holidays.
- I’m thankful for strong legs and a healthy body that allows me to run on a regular basis.
- I’m thankful to have the ambition, desire, and knowledge to seek out a happier and healthier me.
A couple other things that the documentary mentioned that I’m hoping to try are compassion meditation and committing regular random acts of kindness.
There were many surprises that my family and friends planned for me the weekend of my wedding and I hope to eventually showcase all of the amazing surprises that made my heart melt here on the blog.
At my wedding reception, my maid of honor and sister, Carrie, and my matron of honor and cousin Megan, spoke with the DJ while Ben and I were taking post-ceremony pictures. They asked if he could play “You’re the One That I Want” from the musical Grease, a childhood favorite of ours, on their cue. I had no clue this was coming and when they were done with their dual speech, they cued the music and asked that all of “Lou’s Ladies” (all of my awesome girlfriends) join them on stage. They had blue sunglasses for all of the girls to wear and everyone began singing, dancing, and putting on an amazing show for the wedding guests. They said they had planned to sing to me while I watched, but of course I couldn’t help but join in.
The whole scene which made me so giddy went like this (thanks to Megan’s husband B for filming and posting on YouTube):
I always loved the Chris Brown wedding entrance video that one couple did at their wedding and the spoof of it that the Office did for Pam and Jim‘s wedding and wanted to do something similar and creative like it at our wedding, but couldn’t get introverted Ben to commit to anything and I was honestly out of ideas after all of the wedding planning so this surprise was perfect! I love my friends and family and will always remember this amazing and very special moment!
Chris Brown Wedding Entrance
Office Spoof from Pam and Jim’s Wedding
In my post yesterday, I talked about how my sister brought me some Saint Arnold‘s Oktoberfest from Houston. Saint Arnold Brewing Company is Texas’ oldest craft brewery. My family and I have been to their old facility and their new one in Houston several times for the tastings and tours. It’s always a treat for me to get some of their beer since it’s only available in Texas and Louisiana. Every year, they produce a limited amount of their Christmas Ale and we tend to buy several 6 packs of it when we are home for the holidays. A couple of years ago, my brother and I both packed up some Christmas Ale and brought it back with us in our suitcases to our respective non-Texan residences. For my wedding, my friend Cody drove from Houston to Virginia to attend the party, so he brought me an assortment of Saint Arnold brews as a gift.
When you go in for a tasting, you pay $7 and get a souvenir Saint Arnold glass to keep. You also get 4 tokens that you can trade in to have your souvenir glass filled with different draft beers brewed right there on the spot. Patrons are encouraged to bring snacks and food and enjoy the company while sampling the different beers. In addition, if you bring in the cardboard six pack cartons for them to recycle, you can trade them in for cool Saint Arnold swag. You can also upgrade you souvenir glass to a larger pint glass or even larger boot glass or mug and use your tokens to have those filled instead.
It really is a great brewery in a great city in a great state and I always enjoy going there with friends and family. Here are just a few pictures of some good times had enjoying tasty Saint Arnold beer.

I got to try Santo, a black Kölsch, when I was in Texas last Christmas.

I bought this Saint Arnold Texas pint glass on one of my trips to the brewery in Houston. On this particular day, I was enjoying a Summer Pils that my friend Cody brought me from Texas as a wedding gift.

This is a 2012 Oktoberfest that my sister brought to New York from Houston for me to try.

Saint Arnold prints messages on the bottom of their bottle caps. This one from a Saint Arnold Lawnmower I enjoyed a few weeks ago describes my exact feelings about craft beer.

My friend Josh, my brother Mikey, my mom, my friend Charles, and I made a trip to the brewery during Christmas break of 2007. Notice my boot that I’m drinking out of!

Mikey, Mom, and I most likely enjoying the seasonal Christmas Ale in the winter of 2007.
There are still a ton of beers that Saint Arnold brews that I have yet to try. I’d love to get my hands on some Winter Stout, Divine Reserve, Pumpkinator, and Endeavor (I believe named for the space shuttle) so I’ll just have to keep making trips to the brewery whenever I’m in Houston visiting. And for those who aren’t crazy about the taste of beer or who prefer to indulge in non-alcoholic beverages, they brew a delicious Root Beer.
If you’re not in Houston, be sure to check out the Saint Arnold Brewing Company website and if you are in Houston, get to the brewery ASAP!
A couple weeks ago, I joined my dad, brother, and sister for an impromptu trip to New York City to see the Houston Texans play the New York Jets for Monday Night Football. It was an amazing trip and I absolutely loved getting to spend a weekend with my family. The only way it could have been better was if my mom and husband were there but mom had to work and Ben was on a fishing trip in North Carolina.
We all met up at the airport on a Saturday afternoon. Mikey flew in from Columbia, South Carolina, I flew in from Charlottesville, and Dad and Carrie flew in from Houston. After a wild goose chase around Laguardia Airport and bumping into some other Texan fans in town for the game, we made it by taxi to our hotel in New York City. We got settled in and then sat down at the hotel bar to discuss the evening’s plans over drinks.
Since the Longhorns were playing West Virginia, we decided to find a pub to watch the game. Mikey had heard about a place in New York called Hill Country Barbecue Market that Texas Exes go to watch the games so we headed that way. Let me tell you, BEST.DECISION.EVER! This place was straight outta Texas, complete with Shiner and Lone Star beer, Blue Bell ice cream, tons of Texas decor, and authentic Texas barbecue! Mikey and I, having not lived in our dear home state for years, were in HEAVEN! They even had their own Texas flag, a Pearl Brewery sign (located in San Antonio where I went to college, I attended one of the most amazing parties of my college career there), and the waiters all wore Longhorn shirts for the game.

Lone Star beer! It’s impossible to get this stuff in Virginia. The taste took me back to my days of playing caps in college!
We stuffed ourselves with barbecue and cheered on the Longhorns over 4 buckets of Lone Star beer! Unfortunately the Longhorns lost, but man was it a good game and you never would have known you were in New York by the inside of that bar. Almost every person was sporting burnt orange and after each touch down, the entire bar was yelling the University of Texas Fight Song at the top of their lungs. Mikey swore we could have won had he thrown more chairs!
The next day, it was raining so we picked up some cheap, broken umbrellas. Of course we didn’t know they were broken when we bought them. Mikey found a disgusting green paperclip on the streets of New York City that was just what he needed to MacGuyver his green umbrella to stay open. Since it matched the umbrella perfectly, we dubbed it the “Green pooperclip of destiny”. Pooperclip was the appropriate term since that’s probably what it had on it after laying in the streets of New York.
After standing in like in Time Square, we bought tickets to Chaplin on Broadway. It was our last choice (if you ever go to New York, make sure to buy your Broadway musical tickets well in advance), but the play was spectacular and we learned alot about Charlie Chaplin that we hadn’t known. We had time to kill before the play, so we headed to an Irish pub near Time Square called the Pig ‘n Whistle where we dined on appetizers, drank beer served by an authentic Irish bartender, and watched NFL. We then headed to see Chaplin at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre which was amazing and I’d highly recommend to anyone looking to see a Broadway musical. Afterward, we found McGee’s Restaurant and Pub which is the bar that MacLaren’s Pub in the show How I Met Your Mother was based on. There we had more drinks and then headed to Stand Up NY, a famous comedy club where tons of comedic actors got their start doing stand up. There was a 2 drink minimum so we drank cocktails and laughed until we cried.
The next day we all put on our Texans gear to represent our home team. Carrie wanted to see the 9/11 Memorial and the Empire State Building, so we navigated our way through the subway to get to Manhattan. I hadn’t been to the site of the World Trade Center 9/11 terrorist attacks since 2005 when they were still cleaning up debris so I was blown away by the memorial that now sits in its place. Although it is still not complete, the memorial and north and south pools were quite a site. It was humbling to see the spot where thousands of innocent Americans died and I was thankful for the opportunity to honor them.
After that, we headed to the Empire State Building where we did what my dad would describe as a lot of standing in line.

Dad, Carrie, and Mikey standing in line to go to the top of the Empire State Building (all sporting their Texans gear for game day of course)
We finally made it to the 86th floor after all of that waiting and it was definitely worth it. I went to the top of the Empire State Building back in 2005, but that was at night time so it was cool to go up during the day and see the city from so high! We splurged and joined the 102 club, going all the way to the 102nd floor!
After all of that elevator riding, we were famished, so we walked to Keens Steakhouse for lunch. Keens has the largest collection of churchwarden pipes in the world and their ceiling and walls were lined with them! The food was amazing too and we were stuffed after dining on steak and a fine Cabernet Sauvignon. After that, dad needed a rest before the game, so we headed back to the Doubletree to relax for a while. I took advantage of the downtime to enjoy a Saint Arnold’s Oktoberfest that my awesome sister brought me all the way from Houston (you can’t get Saint Arnold’s beer outside of Texas or Louisiana). I also attempted to help my dad log into his iPad, but he forgot the password and I have to say it was quite comical watching him try to remember it!
Soon it was time to head to see our Texans beat the New York Jets at Met Life Stadium. First, we headed to Stout to pre-game where we met some fellow Texans fans going to the game. After seeing some other patrons doing Irish Car Bomb shots, we decided to do one as a family and convinced my dad it was a good idea. Then we headed to Penn Station where we took the train to New Jersey where Met Life Stadium is located. We met more Texans fans from Houston on the train and had a great time talking football with them!
When we got to the stadium, everyone was pumped. There were alot more Texans fans there than we expected so there was lots of cheering and shouting of “Go Texans!” every time we passed other fans in their Texans jerseys! The game was great and the Texans beat the Jets 23 to 17. It was a pretty close game, but our undefeated Texans pulled through!
It was an amazing weekend and I’m so thankful for the opportunity to make such great memories with my loved ones. A special shout out goes to my dad for footing the bill! I can’t wait for the next Elsaifi adventure!
Translation: Oh My Gosh Thank God It’s Friday YAY!
I’m so excited today and here’s why!
- It’s Friday and the beginning of the weekend…DUH!
- We are going to the Top of the Hops Beer Festival tomorrow where we will get to sample many awesome beers and spend time with lots of friends! We went last year and it was a blast!
- I feel like I am doing so much better at work. I’m feeling more comfortable with my job, tasks, and asking my coworkers questions plus I am meeting new people and getting involved!
- The weather has been wonderful and it is supposed to stay that way through the weekend.
- I was really good this week at keeping up with my healthy eating and exercising (ran over 11 miles!). I’m trying to remind myself constantly that this is important to keep me positive and help me mentally and emotionally in addition to keeping my body healthy.
- Lastly, I found out that I MAY be able to spend a weekend in October with my brother, sister, and dad in New York AND go to a TEXANS game (special thanks to my awesome boss for giving me the time off)! It’s not definite yet, but we’re working on it!
I hope everyone has a FABULOUS weekend!
No, none for me…not just yet. Gotta find that “perfect” house to nest in first!
Yesterday was an exciting day filled with babies!
First, we visited our friends Cria, Megan, and their daughter Erin who just welcomed baby Connor a couple weeks ago! We brought them dinner and gifts for Erin and Connor! We had a nice visit and Erin showed us all of her favorite kids’ games and apps on the iPad. Plus I got to hold newborn baby Connor!
Then, last night, we got an email from Ben’s mom that Ben’s sister, Casey, had her baby girl, JJ! That makes niece number 4 for Ben (and me too now that we’re married)!
It’s so exciting to see friends and family welcoming precious new lives into this world! I’m so excited to see all of the little ones grow!
This weekend, Ben and I drove 366 miles to FINALLY visit my brother Mikey in Columbia, South Carolina. The drive wasn’t bad at all…we drove through Lynchburg and Danville, Virginia, Greensboro and Charlotte, North Carolina, and finally made it to the beautiful state of South Carolina. We made the trip in under 6 hours and that was with two stops for gas, bathroom breaks, and snacks.
When we got to Columbia on Friday evening, Mikey took us to one of his favorite brewpubs, the Hunter Gatherer, for dinner and drinks. We each had delicious gyros and many microbrews. We also finally got to meet Mikey’s South Carolina entourage (or part of it). Ross, Katherine, and Josh met up with us for drinks and shared lots of crazy stories!
Saturday morning, we got up and went for a run around the University of South Carolina campus. I did about 4.5 miles, but couldn’t keep up with Mikey and Ben who at a much faster pace, ran around 7. It was really cool to see the campus and I also got a taste of the USC Gamecock school spirit from Mikey’s awesome roommate Katherine. After our run, we hit the farmers market in Columbia, but soon it started raining, so we detoured to the Cock n’ Bull for what Mikey deems the best burgers in Columbia! He was right…we all had delicious burgers while we watched the Olympics.
Later that afternoon, we got dressed up in our Texans gear and headed to Charlotte with Mikey’s buddy Josh who was gracious enough to drive us. We stopped for sushi once we got to town and then continued on to tailgate before the game. Much to our surprise, we realized that drinking on the streets in Charlotte on game day is legal accepted by the local police so we met up with some of Josh’s friends and enjoyed a few cold ones.
The game was great! The highlight was in the first quarter when Trindon Holliday scored an amazing touch down! The night couldn’t have gone better with the Texans beating the Panthers 26 to 13. Even though it was a preseason game, we made sure to out yell all of the Carolina Panthers fans surrounding us in true Texas spirit!
Sunday morning, we met up with Mikey’s friends for brunch at the Thirsty Fellow where I sampled the bellini, mimosa, and a bloody mary (the Sunday brunch trio)! Food was great, drinks were awesome, and the company was the best. But like all great weekends, this one had to end, so Ben and I loaded up the car and headed back to Charlottesville. The trip was so much fun and I was sad it had to end. I love getting to spend time with my brother and it was really cool to meet his friends and see where he spends his time.
I can’t wait for another trip back to South Carolina. Next time I’ll make it a three-day weekend (or longer) and we’ll check out Charleston!
There have been ALOT of changes in my life since my last post. I was laid off from my job at VGT back in March. I was so lucky to find a new job before my lay off date hit so I didn’t have to worry about being unemployed. I really like my new job and am learning so many wonderful and valuable skills and gaining new experience in the web programming field. I’m also getting the opportunity to meet alot of really great people. But with all of that said, I’m having a very difficult time adjusting to this new part of my life. This is my 12th week at the new job (10th if you don’t count the 2 weeks I took off for my wedding and honeymoon) and I’m still waking up most mornings paralyzed with fear about my day ahead. The work is difficult and challenging, but it’s nothing I can’t handle and I have already seen an improvement in my performance now that I have had time to pick up on some of my training and gain some experience. Sundays are especially difficult as all I can think about is how I’ll soon be subjected to another 5 days of terror. I know my anxiety is rooted in many fears: what if I can’t cut it, what if they fire me, what if I never make any new friends, what if this new job takes over my life and I have to become one of those people who works 60 to 80 hours a week, what if I totally screw things up, what if they realize I have no clue what I’m doing. It’s very scary.
In addition, I really miss my old job. I don’t really miss the type of work I was doing…that aspect was fine and I could have taken it or left it. I miss the people and the culture and the environment so much. I miss knowing most everybody in the building and being able to strike up a conversation with them in the hallway or while getting my morning coffee. I miss the inside jokes and the teamwork. And to make matters worse, so many of these great people that I miss are moving away from the area either to relocate to VGT’s office in Tennessee or to find new jobs in larger cities with more opportunities. It’s been very difficult and sad to say goodbye to so many wonderful people that have filled my life with joy for the past 4 years.
I know I’ll eventually adjust and my current job will become the new normal, but its just been very hard thus far and I hope that by writing about it, I can gather some feedback and support from others and at the same time, get things off of my chest.
The other change that recently took place in my life was my wedding to Ben. No complaints there…it was the most wonderful and perfect weekend of my life. I was surrounded by almost every person in my life that I love which rarely happens and we all had a wonderful time celebrating the beginning of mine and Ben’s marriage to one another. I think that might have been the happiest I have ever been. But now I feel like I’m on the downward slope of the roller coaster. After all, when you’re at the top, there is only one way to go. It took me a while to settle into the new normal of not always thinking about and working toward the wedding. I’ve been trying to find ways to occupy my new found free time and free brain space. I love being married to Ben and things haven’t changed much for us as a couple. But I feel sad often thinking about the fact that the wedding is now over and all of my family has come and gone. I miss everyone sooo very much and it’s very difficult living so far away from them. I am thankful for my Virginia family and friends who live so close to me, but I also yearn to be closer to my family who live so far away. They just make me so happy and everything feels right when they are around. But perhaps I wouldn’t appreciate them so much if they were closer and it was easier to see them.
So I’ve been trying to push all of this anxiety and sadness out of my heart and head by focusing on finding a house and trying to find new projects and activities to get involved in. I feel like I am making progress and the clouds of change are slowly clearing, but every now and then I have a particularly cloudy or rainy day and need to escape. I’ve tried talking to my husband and talking to my self (as crazy as that may sound), so I thought I’d try talking to the blogosphere on this particularly rough day to see if it made me feel any better.