Hello and happy Monday!

  1. I am so VERY grateful my kiddos are back in school today. They had an extra week off of school for a total of 3 weeks of Christmas vacation due to snow and super low temperatures that kept the roads iced over.
  2. I am grateful we didn’t lose power in this snowstorm and I’m also super thankful for my husband who ran around scrambling to find supplies, a camping stove, and propane in the eleventh hour to quell my anxiety due to PTSD from the last snowstorm where we lost power for a week.
  3. I’m thankful for getting to spend some extra time with my kids over the past 3 weeks. We watched movies, played video games, cooked and baked together, cuddled on the couch, and played in the snow.
  4. I’m grateful for today’s sunshine and 50 degree temps after almost a week of staying at or below freezing. I’m hopeful some of this ice and snow will melt today.
  5. I’m grateful for my amazing and smart mom who has been keeping our happy place afloat with her bookkeeping and managerial experience and her incessant time and effort.
  6. Bonus: I’m grateful that my dad and brother got to spend time together celebrating the Texans’ win in their wild card playoff game and that they thought to call me afterward in their excitement.

Have a happy and grateful day!

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