Hi friends! I haven’t been posting here as much, but I have been continuing my practice of keeping a gratitude journal when I first wake up and before I go to bed to help reframe my mindset and I can tell it really helps me stay in a more positive and optimistic space. I still enjoy expressing the things I’m thankful for here, so I’ll keep this up when I can!

Today I am thankful for the following:

  1. Someone I love who is at a higher risk for illness getting a clean bill of health
  2. Getting a promotion at work recently and feeling appreciated and like I make a difference for the amazing people I work with
  3. Warmer weather and sunnier days
  4. That my family in Houston was ok after the recent strong storms and that they all have power back now
  5. That I know how to advocate for my children and never give up on helping them to improve and succeed

Have a great and grateful day!

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