Hello and happy almost spring! I’m grateful for the following:

  1. I am so grateful it is almost spring and we are starting to experience longer days, warmer weather, and more sunshine. It has been a long, cold winter!
  2. I’m grateful for Spring Break plans with my husband and my boys. We are blessed to be able to take them on vacations and experience news places!
  3. I’m thankful for my best friend and all of the adventures she takes us on. She got me involved in a wonderful book club that has me reading so many amazing stories and planned our first trip to Riversong Sauna where we were brave enough to take cold plunges in the icy cold Rivanna River!
  4. I’m grateful for Cub Scouts. It has been a great organization for my boys and has taught our whole family the value of community.
  5. I’m thankful for my job where I get to work with amazing people every day!

Happy almost Spring!

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