Good morning! I have been so blessed to get to “live” in Texas for 5 weeks the last 2 summers allowing me to spend time with family that I don’t get to see very often. My time in Texas is coming to a close and that always makes me really sad (picture me kicking and screaming all the way back to Virginia in the minivan like a kid). I know that sadness can be combatted to some degree by practicing gratitude so here we go!

  1. I am beyond grateful for this amazing family I’ve been born into! Not only am I lucky to have them, I’m also lucky to be part of a crew that makes so much effort to keep our bonds strong!
  2. I am grateful for my mom. She’s amazing, she’s confident, she takes care of us all. I hope I can be half the woman she is one day. She has opened up her home, her time, her love, and her support to us. We basically come in and take over her house as this loud, chaotic family of 5 and she is always happy to have us.
  3. I am thankful for an amazing vacation at our happy place with my family. We beached, we swam, we ate amazing home cooked food, we drank, we watched the Corpus Christi Hooks play and indulged in dollar hot dogs at Whataburger Stadium. We sang and danced and played cards. We shared our ups and downs and commiserated with and supported one another in our difficulties. I couldn’t have asked for a better vacation, in a better place, with better people.
  4. I’m thankful for my best friend back home. She is an amazing person and is 1 thing that has me looking forward to being back in Virginia. I’m also thankful that she knows me so well and knows that I’ll be sad leaving my family and Texas and has been planning fun stuff for us in addition to checking on our house and pets.
  5. I’m thankful that several close family members who have had surgeries recently are ok and healing well.

I hope you all are able to find a bit of gratitude in your day today!

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