Good morning! I lent “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown to a friend a long time ago and she returned it this weekend. Seeing the book reminded me how great it was and that I needed a refresher in embracing my own human imperfection and vulnerability and that one way to do that is through practicing gratitude. So here are a few things I’m grateful for today:

  1. I’m grateful that my mom is finally retired and enjoying her retirement so much. It makes me so happy that she gets to spend time with her brothers and grandchildren and grand niece and nephews and that she enjoys working in the garden and spends lots of time at her happy place. She deserves it after her many years of hard work.
  2. I’m thankful my nephew is feeling better after being sick for a few days.
  3. I’m thankful my uncle is feeling better after being sick for a few weeks.
  4. I’m so grateful for a nice dinner and kid-free evening with my husband. It is rare but becoming obvious that it is necessary to maintain a healthy relationship.
  5. I’m thankful for many normal things returning like field trips, and I’m extra thankful for a beautiful day at Carter Mountain with Ben, Auggie, and his classmates, their parents, and their teacher.

Have a wonderful day and remember with me that to be human is to be imperfect but if we focus on what we have and what is wonderful in our lives, the focus on imperfection is less likely to guide us.

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