Happy spring and thankful Thursday!

  1. I am thankful for my company, amazing coworkers who feel like family, awesome managers, and the opportunity to take on new challenges recently. I truly love my job and consider myself so lucky to have landed a job where I did.
  2. I am thankful for the few very close people I have in my life. They help me get through a lot of life that is just plain hard and I’m grateful for their help, love, and support.
  3. I am grateful for growth and change. I work very hard to grow as a person every day and I’m thankful for the people who have helped me along the way.
  4. I’m thankful for bright things ahead. After a long, sad, hard year, I am thankful for all of the many celebrations we have to look forward to.
  5. I’m grateful for life. I found out today that an acquaintance died and it made me dig deeper for gratitude for my life and the lives of my family and our health.

Happy day friends!

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