Hi friends! Here’s some gratitude for you:

  1. I’m thankful for this pandemic. I know, sounds crazy but hear me out. The pandemic and being stuck at home and forced out of all of our routines and habits has inspired, if not forced, me to take a look at my life and make a lot of good changes:
    • I quit drinking so much (I’ve had alcohol on 3 occasions in the past 60 days).
    • I’ve become a better parent. Ben and I spend more time with the kids, take them on bike rides and walks, have movie nights, eat dinner together almost every night, read a lot more, yell a lot less, and are learning to live with each other in our shared space a little better each day.
    • I exercise almost every day and have made it more of a priority.
    • Ben and I are spending more time together and have taken up some shared interests again. We are watching movies and shows together again because I’m not working nights any more.
    • I’m a better cook and have learned how to be more creative and varietal in my meal prep.
    • I’ve worked really hard on having a positive outlook on life and focusing on the positive things and what I can control.
    • Life is a tiny bit slower and a tiny bit less chaotic.
  2. I’m thankful for my body and my health. I was having so many health issues in the past year and I’ve finally sorted them all out and am enjoying running and walking and building muscle. I’m so grateful I can still feel young even when I’m pushing 40!
  3. I’m thankful for the new members in my family. We’ve gained 2 new babies in the past 6 months and they are just precious and remind me of everything innocent and wonderful in life. They also remind me to cherish the time I have with my babies while they are still young.
  4. I’m thankful to my in-laws. They have helped us so much with our boys during the pandemic and have worked with them on learning to read as well.
  5. I’m grateful for life! It is sweet and a gift!

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