7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be the Happiest Person on Earth, an article on Lifehack, explains exactly why I write my Thankful Monday blog posts every week. The first item on their list, “Practice gratitude once a week.” says that “Expressing gratitude, or counting your blessings, does not just make you happy—it also improves your health.” I wholeheartedly agree and have noticed a big difference in my health and happiness since I started practicing my gratitude weekly.
I also agree with every other item on their list, particularly number 2 “Make friends and invest in your relationships.” and number 4 “Take care of your body.” I used to exercise because I wanted to look thin and feel good physically, but these days, my motivation to exercise is driven more by my desire to feel happy and mentally healthy. I also used to be extremely introverted and didn’t have too much desire to put the work into relationships, but now I realize how wonderful they are despite the hard work that goes into maintaining them.
I’d definitely read the article…its a quick read but its full of wonderful advice!