Good morning and happy Thankful Monday!  I’m super tired today and think I may be getting burnt out on moving and housework, so practicing some gratefulness this morning is just what the doctor ordered.

Today, I am thankful for the following:

  1. I’m thankful for all of the good mothers of the world.  Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I really thought hard about how important my mothers are to me.  My mom and my mother-in-law do so much for me that I don’t think I could ever truly express what they mean to me with words.  My friends who are moms have taught me so much and set a great example for how I want to be as a mother.  I’m thankful that the human race has these wonderful, caring, and kind women who take the weight and responsibility of the world into their own hands.
  2. I’m thankful for the beautiful irises my mother-in-law gave us this weekend.  We planted yellow ones, white ones, purple ones, pink ones, and lavender ones and they are making our yard so much more bright and colorful!  I’m sure my Virginia mom gave us hundreds of dollars worth of plants for free!
  3. I’m thankful for my job, a good performance review last week, and the opportunity to attend a training class in the fall.  I may not always like or enjoy my daily responsibilities, but I am thankful to have a job that allows me to pay the bills and also provides me with learning opportunities along the way.
  4. I’m grateful for our nephew Brandon who has helped us with moving on numerous occasions.  And of course I’m thankful for all of our friends and family who have helped us with the move.
  5. I’m thankful for a beautiful sunny day that we had yesterday that allowed us to soak up some Vitamin D and enjoy nature.

Have a great week!

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