If you know me well, then you’ll know that I absolutely LOVE to go to the dentist.

I know most people don’t enjoy going to the dentist and actually despise it so much that they go several years without seeing one.

I’m different and I’m strange and I love going to the dentist.  Maybe it’s because I have very healthy teeth and rarely have a bad experience at the dentist.  Maybe it’s because I have a weird obsession with cleaning (I tend to think the cleaner the better, but I know this isn’t always a rational belief).  Maybe it’s because my dentist has a massage chair and a TV in each one of his check-up rooms (although I vaguely recall loving the dentist experience before I was seeing my current one).  Whatever the reason is for my abnormal love of the dentist, I figure there can be worse unusual enjoyments, like trimming your cuticles until they bleed (ok another strange one that I am guilty of) or plucking out gray strands of hair (I no longer am a victim of this strange obsession).

Today I get to go to the dentist!  I get to have my teeth cleaned and will put off eating afterward as long as possible so that my teeth will remain sparkly and white like Edward Cullen (for you Twilight fans out there)!

So I know the above sounds a bit crazy, but we all have our crazy quirks and characteristics that make us unique and this just happens to be one of mine!

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