About a month ago, I had an accident at softball practice and got hit in the head with a softball.  Luckily I was alright, but I went to the emergency room just for those warm fuzzies (cause you never know with head injuries).

I was maybe in the hospital (which is actually not even a real hospital but an urgent care center being converted into an emergency room) for an hour and a half, was given no meds (not even ibuprofen), and didn’t even see a doctor (I saw a nurse practitioner).  The only instruments used on this visit were a sphygmonanometer to take my blood pressure, a thermometer to take my temperature, a flashlight to check my eyes, and a wheelchair because I wasn’t walking so well.  They didn’t even prescribe me anything and all this cost $411!  Imagine how much it would have been if I had actually seen a real doctor or required some sort of x-rays or an MRI.

Lucky for me I have health insurance which covered the bulk of the bill although I still have to pay around $120.  I just wish I knew what caused the bill to be so high.  Maybe those expensive laytex gloves?  They were a hot commodity in high school Biology…the teacher used to sell them for 50 cents a glove during dissections!

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2 Responses to “$411”

  • Dana:

    Yeah, God forbid you ever have to get an MRI, mine was >$800 after insurance.

  • Leslie:

    Wow! Yea, when Ben was in the hospital back in June, I think his bill was over $8000. Lucky for him, he has AWESOME insurance and only had to pay a $5 co-pay!

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